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Book Heaven

Story about me, finding my perfect match in books. A 14 years old girl from Slovakia, with reading passion, which also loves photography and horses.

Currently reading

City of Ashes
Cassandra Clare
Progress: 30 %

~ Inferno by Dan Brown

Inferno - Dan Brown




Well, it's the second Dan Brown's book I've read so I will not talk about how same they were or things like that. I really liked this book. Maybe it's because in this times of YA books full of perfect teenager girls who are the most powerful warriors and every one of them is "the chosen one", a book like Inferno can really makes you happy. I don't read much detective/thriller books, but I love this one (and of course Da Vinci's Code).

The main problem is that I haven't such a bond with characters like I had while reading The Hunger Games or Game of Thrones or John Green's books. I really missed it. But I still love Langdon. He is a teacher of history of art (ok, so it's iconography but basically, it's the same) , how can't somebody love him? He has a stile, and he knows about everything in Italy. I really need to find a copy of him and stole his brain (or took him with me to Italy).
Sienna was really great character. I loved how different she was. But not in that "the choose one" one, but she was smart and pretty, and her past was not so bright. I loved her till the end, and I don't care if she was good or bad. She was amazing! (and I will kill my classmate who read this before I did and tell me some spoilers about Sienna, why do some guys do that?)

Agent Brüder was "the sexy guy". I know he is older than me, but in my head, he as like a mutant of Taylor Lautner, Josh Hutcherson, Alexander Ludwig and Logan Lerman. I love him. At least one sexy male character (ok, I'm not counting Betrand Zobrist because he dead in the whole book. But his eyes...)



I want to talk about ending a little bit. I will include there a little bit of spoilers so don't read it. So, I was really surprised about the end. I was the whole time like- It's ok, they will save everything, it's gonna be ok, nobody will die. Well, I was right at least in one thing. Nobody will die. But the whole thing with that bag and that it has spread all over the world was a bit scary. But I'm really happy that Sienna will help with solving this whole problem, as I said, I loved her character the whole time.

I loved the action, the mystery and the country. I learned so much about old Italy and once I want to study history of art (but in Pisa, really pity that it wasn't mentioned in the book :D) and I learned so much from this book about some italian history (which I really want to know, becuase one day, I'll live there, and it's great when you know something about country's history).
Now I want to read The Divine Comedy, I looked up on google the Mappa dell'Inferno and searched everything about Dante's Death Mask, Dante Alighieri, Cerca Trova,....


Rating - 5/5


Still searching for my Peeta, Leny